Immigration from Hessian (Kurhessen, Ziegenhain County), Germany in the 19th century

Emigration in the 19th century from northern Hessen, Gilserberger Hochland (the "Gilserberg Highlands" in northern Hessian or former Kurhessen) to northern America (Canada / USA)

List of Immigrants to US and Canada (release 2007)
Emigrants - Ziegenhain County-Germany.pd
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The file contains records of people who emigrated to Northern America between 1796 and 1932 from villages in the former Kreis (somehow similar to a county) Ziegenhain and surrounding communities in northern Hessian (the records of the Gilserberg Township are in blue coloured script).

The data was mainly taken from secondary sources, mainly from the index card register of the Schwalm Archive, Ziegenhain. The index card register is based on files/processes of the authorities of that time, which were evaluated by the family researcher Dr. Geisel around the middle of the last century.

I can therefore guarantee neither completeness nor accuracy and therefore refer you to the index card register for individual research, which also contains some additional or source information noted on the index cards.

The data records preceded by the number A were researched by me through personal investigations on site in the USA/Canada and the list was supplemented accordingly. I also added to the “Destination” column. Where entries are noted there, they are based on my own research.

Update of list soon (under construction) with new findings